Friday, July 3, 2009


Bet you didn't know I was a Spongebob Squarepants Play Dough Sculptor, did you???? he littlest things in life make the kiddos happy don't they. He was upset I didn't have enough to make Sandy, lol. Beggers can't be choosy!!! Have a smile and a great day all!!! More later!! CHeck back!!


Kate said...

I was reading my blogs this morning and my 2 year old was reading over my shoulder. 'I see Gary! I see Gary!!' You made her morning.


Sammye Jo said...

Kate- That's great! Matthew is begging me at this moment to make them all again!! UGH! lol

Cristina said...

Very Cuuuuute!!! Your a GREAT MoM!
Have an awesome w/e!

Ms. Cheryl said...

ENJOY,ENJOY,ENJOY!!! They turn into college students when you aren't looking. ms.cheryl

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