Friday, August 14, 2009

I gotta secret, I gotta secret, I gotta secret HEY HEY HEY HEY!

LOL. Well, when I got home from the hospital Wednesday, I had an email asking me to be a part of a new design team at Rubber Romance Stamps! WELL YES!!!!! I love RRS! They are just fun and cool! To see the DT announcement, click HERE! Be sure and start following the RRS Blog too! SO excited! Thanks Smaantha and Robin!

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***Don't forget to enter the free giveaways listed at the top of my blog!!!


Hot Wheels and Glue Guns said...

Yeah! Congrats! I am kind of jealous. I have secretly wanted to try out for a Design Team. I would the chance to do that. One of these days you will have to give me pointers!

Terria said...

Oh congratulations I am so happy for you.I think I should get out of the box and just go for things like this.

Amy C said...

Woohoo Sammye Jo!

Yvette said...

Awesome Sammye!!! Congrats to you! I'll have to go check them out!

Cara said...

Congrats! You will be a great addition to the team!

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