Friday, August 28, 2009

Craft 4 A Cause

I am SO excited to finally be able to officially launch Craft 4 A Cause. C4AC has been in the works for a while and I got word today that after a month and a half of waiting and answering their questions, C4AC is an official Team on Etsy! Click on the link to join! Also up and running is the new C4AC Blog. PLEASE click over and become a follower.

So, what is Craft 4 a Cause? I LOVE to make things to give to others to help brighten their day. I am part of a charitable design team that does amazing and huge donations and creations. But, I also realize that there are normal everyday crafters who would love to donate here and there and not be tied down to a design team. I want EVERYONE to feel that they can contribute if they WANT to. I really wanted to kick off in September, and we are! I really want to focus on the upcoming holiday season. So, click over for the first call. XoXo-SJ

My Etsy Shoppe
***Don't forget to enter the free giveaways listed at the top of my blog!!!
Proud Member of:
Die Cuts R Us Design Team
The Lime Light Creative Team
Rubber Romance Stamps Design team


RaeChelle said...

Love this! How fun this is! I will see what I can come up with and let you know for sure if I'm in or not. I've got a lot going on so I will have to see!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you!!!! Can't wait to check it out :)

have a great weekend!


Yvette said...

Love this! Wish I could be there! Cant wait to get started on my project for this cause!

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