Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Weekend Update and 4 giveaways going on!!!

Hello! Hope everyone had a great long weekend! Wanted to share a picture or 2 from my sister's birthday cookout Sunday. Of course I had to make her soem toppers for the cherry chip cupcakes and cherry icing! The other picture is of my little cowboy and his little friend caitlin who was also at the cookout. They had a big time. Won't this be a fun picture to scrap :) Don't forget about the giveaways and challenges going on! Check back a few posts!
The Recycle and Reuse Challenge entries - due the 31st.
Become a follower for the follower giveaway, - drawn on June 14th.
The Add 62Cards button giveaway!
AND, The Jellybean Joint Giveaway to be drawn on Saturday!!!
WHEW!!!! Don't miss out!!


Jennifer said...

Look at that little cowboy! How cute is he!!

Ms. Cheryl said...

He is a very handsome fellow!! Look out for the teenage years. ms.cheryl

Jennifer said...

Just put your button on my blog

SHartl said...

Darling photos...and your sister looks so proud of her cupcake pile!

Mollie said...

I remember you talking about the cupcake toppers at the crop! They look so cute! :) I hope you all had a great time! And that picture of the little guy is toooo adorable! :)

Mollie said...

by the way... I sent out your goodies today and the purchase you made so you should be expecting those soon! yay!

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