Sunday, October 11, 2009

Bloggy Awards

I know I am horrible about reposting blog awards. I REALLY appreciate all the great awards you girls give :) Some of mine are at the bottom of my blog, so scroll all the way down to see :) Here are a few I am late on :) I don't remember all the rules of each, so I am going to pass each award onto 5 people and link to the person I got it from! Remember if you follow my blog- leave me a comment with your blog so I can follow you too :)

From Tinkering L8 one of my new bloggy friends! I just got this so the rules are in my head since I just read them :) List 10 honest things about me: 1- I am a natural dark brunette (doesn't get much more honest than that!lol) 2- I always leave my laundry until last. Don't care as much if mine is put away as long as hubby and monkey's is up! 3-I power clean like a mad woman. 4- I long to leave Louisville and build a house back home on the family farm. 5-HUGE Brett Favre fan :) 6-I love wearing my pj's :) 7- I miss my brother with all my heart. 8-I stalk all your blogs and wish I could be as creative as some of you! 9-I love carbs and couldn't give them up if I had to! 10-I am God fearin', good cookin', tea drinkin', southern girl :)

On to my 5 picks:

Crystal Amanda Gwen Claudia Yvette
Next..... From Sweet Sara Beth :)

On to my 5 picks:

Amber Margie Cara Jessica Tinkering L8

And Next....

"I Like Your Style Award" From Adorable Mona!

And my 5:

Sara Beth Sami Stacie Avril Lori

And next...

From sweet Crystal!

And my 5...

Mona Angie Alison Sandra Cathy

My Etsy Shoppe
***Don't forget to enter the free giveaways listed at the top of my blog!!!
Proud Member of:
Die Cuts R Us Design Team
The Lime Light Creative Team
Rubber Romance Stamps Design Team


phonelady said...

oh I just love the first one sounds so cool. thanks for sharing and posting this one .

Stacie (craft-princess) said...

Oh your a sweetie!! I haven't gotten this award yet. Thank you so much for thinking of me!


Yvette said...

Thanks Sammye! :) You are SO kind!!!

laterg8r said...

thanks for playing along and thanks for the award :D

also, thanks for reminding me that i'd left laundry in the washer LOL :D love your list!

Amanda Profumo said...

Aww... you're so cute! Thanks for the award!

Amber said...

Your super SJ!!!

Unknown said...

Sammy Jo, thank you so much for thinking off me for an award, I appreciate it so much, I will wear it with pride on my blog, love your honest answers, we are very similar, except you are much younger, prettier and more talented, my dear friend, Hugs Avril xxx

Lilacanglia said...

Thank You so very much,
I have posted it on my blog with a link back to yours,
I am sorry I havent been commenting much just lately not been right,
Much appreciate this award,
Thank you

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