Friday, October 2, 2009

Sales, World Cardmaking Day, Challenge, SHEW!

OKAY all you talented people. Remember that the challenge deadline over at the DT Blog of Die Cuts R Us is Saturday, aka tomorrow!!! If you are picked as one of the tope 3 favs or the overall winner you get entries into the monthly giveaway. Even if you just enter you get an entry!!! Also- tomorrow is World Cardmaking Day- DCRU Store will be have Cricut Accessories for 45% off retail and lots of other ONE DAY ONLY sales! Not to mention the $2.99 Copic Marker Sale!!! All you card makers stop by tomorrow for a fun challenge from me! (With a cool prize too!)
Check out the tutorial over on the Rubber Romance Stamps website! Sherry did a FAB job!!!!
FYI- I ONLY HAVE ONE HALLOWEEN ALBUM KIT LEFT IN THE STORE. I will not be making more, so if you want this last one, hurry! I just might throw in an additional accessory kit to the lucky peep!
I am in a wedding tomorrow and Matthew is the ring bearer, so I will auto post tomorrow and be back around on Sunday!

My Etsy Shoppe
***Don't forget to enter the free giveaways listed at the top of my blog!!!
Proud Member of:
Die Cuts R Us Design Team
The Lime Light Creative Team
Rubber Romance Stamps Design team


phonelady said...

thanks for sharing the tutorials and posting this and hope you have a good time at the wedding and have fun .

Stacie (craft-princess) said...

Lots of wedding tomorrow...I know of three around my house. Will be going to only one though. Hope I can see what you have going on tomorrow though!

Have fun!
Later girlie :)

suzARTe said...

hi Sammye JO
to celebrate world card making day I have decided to have some fun and give out a few prizes. There is something for you on my blog. I just need your postal add so I can send it to you. I have sent you an email so you know where to send your add to.

Thanks for stopping by!
Don't forget to sign up as a follower!