Monday, April 18, 2011

pet peeve....

What. A. Day.
I know that immitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but it's really irritating when someone takes your ideas and down right copies them. Don't get me wrong, competition makes the business world go around, but today I was forwarded something that was just down right upsetting. Someone not only copied things I made (that doesn't really bug me as I know many have the ability to do what I do) and the kicker-
Okay. Make what you please, am fine with that, but at LEAST write your own description.  She deleted the things I had listed she did not make, but even down to the number of exclamation marks.  WOW.
I cannot imagine straight up copy and pasting someone elses descriptions.
I have been told of others who have obviouly taken a couple of my original ideas and started making them, but at least the other 2 ladies wrote their own descriptions.

Okay. I am off my soap box.
This is just another reason that when someone finds something they like somewhere else and bring it to me to make, I change it up and make it my own.

Off to enjoy the rest of this beautiful day with the cutest little boy I know :)
He's an original. That is for sure :)
Thanks for being fabulous followers who let me vent. I am only human too :)


Flamenco92627/ Julieta said...

Geesh! So you KNOW this person really has no creativity on their own if they have to copy everything down to your description!! What nerve. Sorry honey!!

Amanda Profumo said...

I know exactly how you feel...

JLP said...

Obviously, this person is truly sad. It must be very limiting to copy someone else. Hang in there! You are super talented and those that matter know it!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I feel you sister!!! I know that it's supposed to be flattering, but at least people should post that they got the stinkin' cute idea from_____'s blog! I saw someone won a big named challenge off of a card they copied straight from my blog (directions and all)! I think that we should start a blog sight that outs these people! Ha ha ha!

Candace Pelfrey said...

OMG Sammye, I know EXACTLY how you feel!! Its soooo irritating that all the work you put into your items and business gets copied and someone else takes the credit. I've even had someone set up a facebook page and use all my info on the side word for word ALONG with items that I try to sell as well. I'm curious to know who it was to see if it was one of my copy cats as well since I have a couple. :)

Jamie said...

That stinks. Wish I was good enough for someone to want to copy. Maybe someday...

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

That has happened to me before... so I know how you feel... major bummer! :(

Random Acts of Krafting said...

I am peeved right along with you. I hope all of our hugs help.

jacque4u2c said...

YOU GO GURL! Tell it like it is!!! I have had this happen too. I have made things I have seen here and there but I try to NEVER copy someoneelse's descriptions or make the same exact item. I still try to add my own originality with it.

Unknown said...

Oh no!! That is awful. I am sorry that you had to experience that! You are a creative inspiration! Since buying from you, you've given me the inspiration to set up my own Etsy shop with ideas I've grown--I would be livid if I saw that someone copied word for word my description. Just know that you are unique, your creativity shines in all your work, and the passion you have for your craft will always outshine any one who tries to mimic you. Many blessings!
Loves, Jonah's mom:)

emily_in_paris said...

Been there. :( It's a little hard to find that flattering when they do that, isn't it?!

You are very inspiring, and I myself have modeled a few cupcake toppers after yours - but GEEZ, make them your own creative way, that's the point! Feel for ya!

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