Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Winner WInner Turkey DInner :)

I am SO sory for being MIA for a few days! From unexpected visits to the internist and cardiologist for the hubby, preschool thanksgiving, a craft fair, having my FIL in town for the week, and so on! WHEW! SOOOOOO, now I have the winner from the Echo Park Giveaway!!! Congrats to:

Flamenco92627 said...
Hey Sammye Jo! I am a follower here and on FB! I love my 4yo DS to pieces. My favorite thing about him is his cute little voice and the way he pronounces his words right now.

 All the comments were GREAT!!!!
Later today I will have my CCI Design Team Post and tomorrow, another big giveaway because I am SO thankful for all of you, and to ELMERS for giving me the goodies to give to you :)


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

CONGRATS! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Flamenco92627/ Julieta said...

Woohoo! Thanks Sammye Jo! I am so excited and grateful. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

tt.scraps said...

Hey Sammye Jo, just checking on you....hope all is okay and that you've just been too busy to blog!

Thanks for stopping by!
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