Thursday, November 4, 2010


You guys are just plain awesome :) I love reading your comments and following your blogs!!! (If you haven't seen a cmment from me, then you probably haven't left your blog addy in a comment for me!!! I try!!!:)
I was recntly asked to create a "Sweet Shoppe" Banner and a name banner for a FAB customer! Here are the  pics I took before I mailed!  FUN!
Hope you are having a Super Sweet day!


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Toooooooooooooo cute!! LOVE LOVE LOVE all the PINK! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

juli (sweetpz) said...

very cute! definitely something my little girl would love! thanks for sharing =)

Crystal said...

this is sooooo super cute girl! sorry i haven't been by in know crazy things can get! but i am lovin' all your amazing craftiness! love & hugs to you & your family sweetie!

Jingle said...

This is really cute!

tt.scraps said...

Adorable!!! I just made a banner for my bff's birthday... I will post it on my blog soon. What size do you cut your squares/circles at? You do such an awesome job and were certainly my inspiration!!!

laterg8r said...

love all the pink goodness :D

i can totally understand why it would be hard to scrap about your brother.

JennyKozar said...

You inspire me so much with these banners - they are just so sweet and creative - TFS!!

Jenny Kozar

tt.scraps said...

Hi Sammye Jo - I just want to let you know that I am posting a blog tomorrow and it features a banner that I made totally inspired by you!! I have given you credit and I hope justice to your work. You are a true inspiration!
Thank you!

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