Tuesday, March 30, 2010

personal note...

those of you who know me, I am a "positive polly" not a "negative nancy". well, today things have caught up with me I do believe. So much has gone on with my family, losses, health issues, etc. in the past couple of years and I try to take it all in stride.
i KNOW there is a reason. I have complete FAITH in God's plan.
BUT, I am human.

anyways- my headaches have been continuous for over a week right now and I have the peace of mind of knowing my MRI was clear and well.
so, I know that they are stress related. i think i do a really good job of hiding my stress. might be why the headaches linger so much.
i am really missing my brother right now too. something about spring. the newness, the life, the wish that he was here to enjoy my little guy. because i so know he would.
and it's Easter. last Easter was the last get together for my family before my grandpa passed.  my first grandparent to lose. again something about the spring.
i wish we lived closer to my family. it's only an hour and a half, but i want to be next door :) Matthew wouldn't know what to do :)
So, i know this has sounded like a depressing rant, but know that this blog, my crafts, is how I destress, I take my stress out by creating, it makes me smile and happy. i LOVE sharing with each of you and I appreciate each and every comment.
so, i am sorry if I have been a bad friend, bad blogger, and follower, as my comments around blog world have been sparse the last few weeks.
Now, because I am that "positive polly" I will close this post with my blessings :)
my faith
my family ( Matthew, mom/dad, sis, etc.)
my friends (especially the ones who understand me :)
spring :) & warmer weather
my overall health
our businesses
my health and the health of my family- I KNOW things can always get worse.
my beautiful little boy and his sense of humor. (if you need a smile, borrow a 3 year old for a day :)

Thank you for allowing my rant :) Take a minute to think of your little blessings.

i plan to continue to count my rainbows, not the thunderstorms.


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

my thoughts and prayers are with u and your family....mine also are going thru some 'stuff' right now...and i know it can be rough...{{{hugs}}} to u :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Random Acts of Krafting said...

Sending prayers out to you and your family.

The Archiving Angel said...

Hello dear~ so sorry to hear about all the health issues going on within your family. It can certainly get anyone down.
My best remedy is usually prayer so I will start with that for you. In God's time things will resolve. May the love of God be with you and give you continued strength & courage.

Traci66 said...

Keep your faith and remember God always has a plan.

Anonymous said...

So sorry you are having a rough time of it lately. You and your family are in my thoughts.

Gwen's Busy Little Hands said...

SJ, with so much you've dealt with it is only natural to feel it. Don't apologize for feeling, sweetie. So many of us forget just how fortunate we are each day. Thank you for the reminder. Stay strong but remember that it is okay to cry too. When you feel the need you've got plenty of shoulders out here willing to catch those tears.

Love you...praying for you and yours,


Laura B said...

Hang in there! Know that you have many friends, near and far thinking of you.


Heidi said...

It will all be ok, just hang in there and things will get better. Sending prayers to you and your family. You positive polly you, you inspire us all!

Lilacanglia said...

Sending prayers and hugs to you and all your family,

Elizabeth said...

My prayers are with you and your family. You are truly amazing! Stay strong and keep crafting!

Anonymous said...

SJ - i'm so proud of you for ranting on this blog. sometimes, you just have to get it out. hang in there, sister. you're one of the toughest cookies i have ever met. but, that's not always easy. i'm praying for dustin and your MIL.

love you!

Pauline said...

Sorry to hear of your family's health issues. Sending positive thoughts and {{{hugs}}} your way. My mom's been in the hospital for 2 weeks and should be heading to rehab tomorrow if all goes well also. Hang in there, Sammye Jo. Missing the simple things is perfectly natural and doesn't make you ungrateful for what you have. It just makes you human. That's something we all have in common.

Crystal said...

keep your head up girl! i am definitely keeping you and your beautiful family in my prayers! hugs!

Amy C said...

Hey Sammye Jo! I am glad you blogged this post and I think your followers will be too. It keeps you real to them, which of course I know you are. It's good to get it out - share your feelings with others. I know you've had a rough go of it and I can't imagine dealing with the health issues day in and day out (I mean we did with Shannon, but he's much better now). I pray that Dustin's health will improve. I pray that your stress will be less and your headaches will take a hike. I have thought to myself several times, how does she do it all. You are amazing. Hang in there.

On a lighter note, you said "I take my stress out by creating". Girl, you must be the most stressed out person I know! Why?? Because your creations are AWESOME!!!!!

Amanda Profumo said...

Sweet, sweet, Sammy Jo... love you! You are such a blessing to your family and those surrounded by you. You are a rock, solid and strong. Keep the faith I know you so strongly keep close and know when to lean on your friends. I'm a phone call away... Love 'ya, girl. XOXOXOXOXOXOX

Stacie (craft-princess) said...

Big hugs girl!! I know where your coming from and your words help a girl like me see a little more light at the end of the tunnel. It is easy to get down and depressed.
I am not a gracious speaker but know my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I do wish the best!
Thanks for being so positive! :)

laterg8r said...


here's hoping things get better soon!

Andrea said...

it helps to write it down and get it out!! i hope you feel a little lighter now :) you and your hubby are in my prayers :)

Karenladd said...

Oh SammyeJo, you are such an inspiration. I don't know how you manage to run a business, take care of your family and be so creative...all while juggling burdens that would pull another person down. Prayers for you and your family and I'm so glad you were able to let it all hang out a bit on the blog! Life is not just the happy parts and we all appreciate and enjoy you so much! Hugs

deb famularo said...

oh my goodness girl, I just saw this post and you and your family will be in my prayers. I hope all will resolve soon. And I'm so glad to hear your headaches were nothing serious on the MRI. My heart is with you...I know I have escaped to my studio when things get hard, it helps, but so do all your friends here praying for you! lots of love sent your way hun, deb xOxO

Cara said...

SammyeJo, prayers and hugs! Be strong and keep your faith. Wishing you a blessed Easter!

Wendy Ramlakhan said...

(((HUGS))) Sammy Jo ~ You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. You are right...it is the little things that mean the most yet are taken for granted so often. Thanks for the reminder. I hope your family has a blessed Easter.

Terria said...

Bless your heart,My prayers are with you and your family. You are truly amazing! Hnag in there God has a plan :) ((hugs))

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