Monday, March 22, 2010


Hey all! Scroll down for the Fantabulous Cricut post for today! Guess what? I have a winner for the Dear Lizzy Rub Ons!!!! Congrats to SUMMER BRAXTON! Please email me your shipping address! sammyejo at 62cards dot com! 

Now,  since there was SOOOO much interest in the Dear Lizzy Giveaway, I am going to offer up another :) This time, there will be 2 winners! Winners will get some of the NEW adhesive backed fabric paper from the Dear Lizzy collection!!!
This stuff is so cool! Fabric paper with the sticky already on the back!

To enter- make sure you are a follower and then comment on this post!
I use to pick the winner,  so it is fair everytime! Everyone is welcome!
AND if youpost about it on your blog, then leave me a comment with the link and you will get 2 chances :)  Winner announced on the 5th!
AND as if that isn't enough- I am giving away a 2 Cute Rubber Stamp on my Facebook page! So make sure you are a fan and comment on the FB page for your chance to win!
Thank you all so much for your support! I just love sharing with you all!
XoXo- SJ


Mallorey said...

Love that paper! Thanks for the chance.

katknit said...

The adhesive backed fabric paper from the Dear Lizzy collection looks and sounds yummy.....I'd love to win some......Thanks

IRW Dana said...

This fabric sounds wonderful. So many ideas on ways to use it. Thanks for the chance to win.

s.cammack said...

you are full of giveaways! thanks for the chances!!

Anonymous said...

Love your great stuff...Thanks for the chance to win a prize!!

Sheri Gilson said...

Thanks for a chance to win some yummy candy!!

Tricia said...

that is really cool paper!

Jingle said...

Wow! All of these fabulous giveaways are just wonderful! Thank you!

Tiffany said...

I love the lizzy line!! thanks for the chance to win!

Wilfreda said...

That paper sounds pretty sweet. Thanks for the chance to win.

juli (sweetpz) said...

awesome! i would love to try these papers!
thanks for the chance to win!


Melis said...

What cute paper! Love it!

Summer Braxton said...

Woo hoo! Another chance to win :) Thanks for the rub-ons. I emailed you.

Domestic Diva said...

Lovely! Thanks for the chance.

Stacie (craft-princess) said...

Congrats Summer!

I am a follower and I have posted on my sidebar for the next giveaway!
Thanks for a chance to win!

- - Sheryl - - said...

you are so kind!
love the cheerful design

Random Acts of Krafting said...

Oh sticky fabric, I could so use this!

Anonymous said...

You are such a sweetie Sammye JO! Thanks for the chance to win.

miislucky said...

I'm now a follower. I wasn't sure what you wanted posted on the blog,the whole thing or your name? Anyways would love to win the fabric paper. Looks so cute.

Krissbal said...

Beautiful and delicate colors !
Participate for the first time something like this!
I like your blog!

Anonymous said...

Everybody wants to win!!!!! Crossing my fingers.

Kim. said...

Oh those papers look so beautiful, love the pastel colours. Thanks for the chance to join in.
Kim xXx

Kim. said...

I have placed a link on my sidebar to this post. Thanks again. You can find my blog at
Kim xXx

Anonymous said...

you are so creative- i love love love your ideas! :)
Jessica Teale

jacque4u2c said...

I so want to try this fabric paper!!!! Please enter me!!!! I am already a follower!!!!

Tanya said...

Awesome giveaway!!!!
Thanks for the chance to win!!!Really want to be the lucky winner...I'm your follower :)

Karenladd said...

I'm a follower....from way back! And that Dear Lizzie fabric paper is wonderful!! I can think of so many ways to use it!

Pauline said...

Haven't tried fabric paper yet ... sounds cool! Thanks for the chance to win some.

Angi Barrs said...

Love the Dear Lizzie fabric paper. Great giveaway!

Courtney Baker said...

Woo hoo... love this line! I can never get enough of it!

Ukka said...

What a fun giveaway ~ I love this fabric paper!
I have become a follower and I am putting your giveaway on my sidebar!

Julianna said...

What adorable paper!! I sure hope I win it! :)

noga said...

very sweet, thank you!

Evgeniia said...

Very lovely paper! Became your reader and the reference to my page at the left

KarenB said...

Hi Sammy,

I've never tried adhesive fabric before, it sounds intriguing. I certainly LOVE the designs though, so fresh and pretty. I'm linking you up at http://beingkaren.blogspot - on my righthand sidebar. Thanks so much :)

Thanks for stopping by!
Don't forget to sign up as a follower!