Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Where does your creativity come from?

Hi all my super fab followers :)  I think I am coming down with a kidney infection, again, UGH, so I don't feel real hot today!!!! Follwer Karen asked the other day how I pump myself up to be creative, or am I just that way all the time? Well, when I am in pain, I'm not creative Karen :) Other than that my head spins with ideas 24/7. It's my outlet, my fun time :) There are times I feel more creative than others, but I generally have a list of ideas I make and pick which one I feel like working on :) I also love having things hanging on my walls that inspire me. Here is my Layout Clothesline :) It always has some of my current favorite LO's. Other things that inspire me- listening to my son- he gives me great titles to LO's with his 3 year old imagination, looking through magazines and catalogs, and visiting YOUR blogs! You guys rock with great ideas!!!
 So, what inspires you to create each day? You guys have a fab day!


Lilacanglia said...

Apart from the sun and feeling well, all kinds of things make me create, like recycling more and more each day, and colours of clothes people wear and things on the telly,and the blogs help me tons,

laterg8r said...

mags, blogs, my kids, the sun .... but i'm not always inspired and sometimes have to take a break from creating for a bit :D

jacque4u2c said...

Hope you feel better soon and are back to your perky self! I am just lovin' this layout clothesline. SO clever.

Stacie (craft-princess) said...

Pretty much same as you except sometimes mine get stuck rattling in my head. I can picture what I want just not sure how to do it.

Heidi said...

feel better soon Sammye! I usually get ideas all the time too and then i right them down in my "idea book" i have two complete little journals filled with ideas, concepts and quick sketches and I am now working on my third book to fill. I try to refer back to that for some inspiration. If I don't write things down i will forget. I love the layout clothesline, having things hanging on the walls is a good idea. I think I need to try something like that.

JLP said...

feel better and hang in there! I have recently begun to keep a creativity binder. LOVE binders, so that helps me when I get stuck. I also crop with a group of women and they help me out when stuck with title ideas! Thanks for the post.

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