Sunday, April 19, 2009

Here fishy fishy :)

Good Monday morning! So, I made some tags for a lady in Georgia, and i HAVE to share her site. Cupcakes, fishes, parfaits, etc that are bath fizzies and bombs! This is the picture of the fish. They come in a cute little canvas bag and all! The site is SudsyMugsy. You will adore her shop!!! And, I have bought them as gifts and used on my own, so I personally love them! (Do I hear a giveaway from me of one of her creations???? Hmmmmm :) Let em know what you think!

1 comment:

Karenladd said...

OMG! Those are so adorable!! I love to soak in the tub, so I would be all over that contest!

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