Monday, May 16, 2011

Dress 'Em Up :)

It's no secret...I adore fabric..... and paper......and ribbon..and.....the list goes on!
After designing this sweet thing, I know why God knew it best for me to have a boy :)

I would be broke as a joke with a girl..
Maybe one day :)

SO, what have you been working on lately?
Please share!!

OH- and I have a couple REALLY big announceents coming soon and a couple REALLY big things for YOU because of said announcements!! HINT!!!


Unknown said...

SUPER cute!!! Wish I was a sewer for my little stinker! Can't wait to hear what's going on!!!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Sooooooo cute!! Can't wait to hear your news! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

ScrapCrazyyyy! said...

Sew cute!!!!!!!!!!!!

Angi Barrs said...

Wish my girls were still little to wear these. Adorable. :)

Karenladd said...

Adorable...and so fun! I have brought out my sewing machine this past year to make things for my grand-daughter! Used to sew a lot for my kids until they got too old for it's fun to be able to play with fabric again! I love the cute big dots and circles on that fabric you used!

tt.scraps said...

Adorable!!! :)

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