What. A. Day.
I know that immitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but it's really irritating when someone takes your ideas and down right copies them. Don't get me wrong, competition makes the business world go around, but today I was forwarded something that was just down right upsetting. Someone not only copied things I made (that doesn't really bug me as I know many have the ability to do what I do) and the kicker-
Okay. Make what you please, am fine with that, but at LEAST write your own description. She deleted the things I had listed she did not make, but even down to the number of exclamation marks. WOW.
I cannot imagine straight up copy and pasting someone elses descriptions.
I have been told of others who have obviouly taken a couple of my original ideas and started making them, but at least the other 2 ladies wrote their own descriptions.
Okay. I am off my soap box.
This is just another reason that when someone finds something they like somewhere else and bring it to me to make, I change it up and make it my own.
Off to enjoy the rest of this beautiful day with the cutest little boy I know :)
He's an original. That is for sure :)
Thanks for being fabulous followers who let me vent. I am only human too :)