Friday, April 22, 2011

Giveaway Day! EPP Paper Pad!

I have the greatest friends, bloggy friends, family, etc.
I am so blessed and I love all of your comments, inspiration, etc.
SO, who wants a Springtime 6x6 paper pad from Echo Park paper???
Just follow along and leave me a comment!!!
Happy Good Friday, Earth Day, and Easter Weekend!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A ZOO Birthday party!!!

Hi you FAB reader you :)
Great day here, if isn't wasn't for all the tornado warnings.
It warmed my hear to hear my little guy say, "Mom, God will keep us safe." Love him.
Wanted to share these with you!!

A FAB customer of mine posted her party on her blog today. LOVED working with COrry! That little Ben is one LUCKY boy!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

pet peeve....

What. A. Day.
I know that immitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but it's really irritating when someone takes your ideas and down right copies them. Don't get me wrong, competition makes the business world go around, but today I was forwarded something that was just down right upsetting. Someone not only copied things I made (that doesn't really bug me as I know many have the ability to do what I do) and the kicker-
Okay. Make what you please, am fine with that, but at LEAST write your own description.  She deleted the things I had listed she did not make, but even down to the number of exclamation marks.  WOW.
I cannot imagine straight up copy and pasting someone elses descriptions.
I have been told of others who have obviouly taken a couple of my original ideas and started making them, but at least the other 2 ladies wrote their own descriptions.

Okay. I am off my soap box.
This is just another reason that when someone finds something they like somewhere else and bring it to me to make, I change it up and make it my own.

Off to enjoy the rest of this beautiful day with the cutest little boy I know :)
He's an original. That is for sure :)
Thanks for being fabulous followers who let me vent. I am only human too :)

Friday, April 15, 2011

NEW Echo Park shipping TODAY to you!!

SO I am TOTALLY excited when my doorbell rings and a BIG box from Echo Park Paper is sitting there. It makes me gitty :) Today's delivery had all kinds of goodness from the new Summer Days COllection and the 6x6 Paper Pads I had ordered!!!!
Guess what- they now have Rub Ons and things too!!!!
I listed all kinds of goodness for sale in my Etsy shop. This really is a GREAT deal as I can't keep them all to myself :)  (Well, I could, but someone might call A&E and have me put on Hoarders. for real. lol
SO- One low price will ship everything and I have checked- you will not find it cheaper- product or shipping :)
AND- I am giving away a set of Rub Ons on my Facebook Page :) (Click over there on the right sidebar to see :) Giving them away today!!!
Here is what is in the store!!

Have a great day!!!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Hi everyone!!! Well,  I apologize for leaving you high and dry! SO much has been going on!I got to go to the FINAL FOUR. It was fabulous and didn't quite end the way I wanted :) (GO CATS!) but fun nonetheless :)
We also had a death in the family, a stomach bug, and preschool spring break.
LOL. My life is whirlwind sometimes!
I have mailed 189 packages in 2 weeks. Seriously. 189.
That's a lot of packages :) Blessed, and thankful for great customers.
Anyways, I know you guys have all had a lot going on too I am sure! Can't wait to catch up!!! I had planned on catching up on everyone's blogs while we spent several days in the hospital, but I had internet service for a while 30 minutes one day and that was it! Plan failed. SO, I am trying to catch up a few at a time!
Bear with me!
For those who are new around here, leave me your blog addy so I can visit!!!
Back tomorrow with crafty goodness!
Thank you all for your love and support!
Party on :)
Thanks for stopping by!
Don't forget to sign up as a follower!