Sunday, March 13, 2011

Publication Gitty :)

I am always super excited when I get the fun email that says "We would like to publish (insert unworthy project of mine here) in the (month) issue of (insert FAB magazine here.) :) It always makes me gitty!
Well, the next thing that makes me gitty a couple months after the publication is realeased is the return of my little project(s) and the super fun box I get with it :)
I had a cute little reindeer tag picked up by Scrapbook Trends for it's Create:Christmas Cards Mag a couple months back. Well, last week I got my tag back along with the 2 issues of the magazine and a box filled with goodies :)
SO, for of you out there who are trying to get published- keep at it!
You WILL get there!! It's just a matter of time until they are looking
for what you've got :)
Cheers to all of us and continued success :)
Have a great day!!!


tiffany said...

congrats on being published- and how fun to get that box of goodies! I like you're idea of "it's just a matter of time until they are looking for what you've got". I'm going to print this and hang in my craft room for inspiration!

Breakfast at Tiffany's

erin said...

Congratulations! that looks like quite a stash of loot! Very well deserved!

Heather said...

Congrats on being published!! What an awesome goodie bag you got on top of it!

Kristin said...

Wow Congrats! Your projects are awesome!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

CONGRATS on the pub!! Awesome goodies you got! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

tt.scraps said...

Yay!!! Coolio for you! How do you go about entering to be published or do they find you?

Amanda Profumo said...

I loved that little tag! ;) It was pub'd in an awesome gathering of great projects too! Loved that issue A LOT!!!

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