Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Kid Craft Fun!

My son loves my "Crick" (aka Cricut Expression). He ask me all the time to "crick"  him out some of this, some of that. (Dinosaurs, Letters, Paper Pirates, Etc) Well the other day it was cowboys and cowgirls. I love when I can use my crafting to make my little guy happy too! Here are some play by play for you :)
I cut paper dolls at 4.5 inches and clothes to match including chaps, jeans, shirts, boots, skirts, hats, hair styles, and stick horses :)
Then he got to assemble! I gave him my large craft glue stick and away he went!
I seriously had to halter my control issues  ( :)I am a perfectionist sometimes, and of course I wanted them to be just perfect :) But he did great of course :)
So, what are all the crafty moms out there doing to combat the summertime boredom?
We are usually out and about- zoo, waterpark, pool, science museum, aquarium, etc. With the surgery 2 weeks ago and all I am having to stay close to home--like in the house all the time to be here for Dust. (20 minutes is the longest I think I have left him!) He can't even fix his own drink right now b/c the muscles in his back are so weak. Poor guy! Therefore, we are improvising and I am always looking for fun stuff to do!
We are pros at bubbles, sidewalk chalk, lightening bug and wooly worm catching, sandbox, water play, etc.!
So, give me all your favs! I am thinking about making a weekly spot on my bloggeroo here for those fun crafty kiddo things :)
Have a fab day!!!


Stacie (craft-princess) said...

Awww, that is just adorable!! He did a great job too!!

Kate said...

What a sweetie!! I'm so glad you had a great time!
I'm in school until August, but when I'm off I always check the papers. There are often little things going on around the city (i.e. reptile zoo at the mall, bike rally at the park, etc.) Perhaps a play date with other little friends could be arranged. And if he likes "Crick-ing", then start him with his own little scrapbook. I did that with my guys. They love cutting their images. I just have to be careful to step back as well. I have a tough time when things aren't straight and up to my specs - but these are THEIR albums. Finally, have fun!!

laterg8r said...

my kids like to wash money with a toothbrush water and soap LOL :D

they also love playdoh and cooking (spreading peanut butter on stuff and cutting fruit) :D

love his crick cowboy :D

Hot Wheels and Glue Guns said...

Hey Sammye Jo!Hope the hubby ison the mend!I had a suggestion for you-scavenger hunts. Send him out to find a list of things, or a cetain number of green things, givehim a cameraand tell him to take pictures of things.

The kids group I run loves these, and you can change them so much. HTH!

~*Joni said...

Hi SJ!! I had to pop in and see your adorable son and his fun Crick dolls. heehee! :D I hope DH recovers soon, keep us posted. For the summer we try to get inventive - the girls love painting our fence (and everything else) with a bucket of water and big paintbrushes. For the time that it's wet it looks darker, but of course it's really my way of getting them to clean. heehee! Hugs and happy day to you!!

Cook Scrap Craft said...

What a cute and crafty idea! Looks like a lot of fun!

Cara said...

What a cutie. We've been eating lots of icy pops and chasing the ice cream truck when we can:o) At 102 degrees, it's been too hot to even go to the pool!!

JLP said...

This is such an awesome idea! Check out a blog called creative attempts. They have a recipe from Tuesday for ziplock ice cream. It sounds like it might be a fun activity. http://ellisden.blogspot.com/2010/07/zip-lock-baggie-ice-cream.html

You have such a cute little boy and so good. Hang in there!

Amanda Profumo said...

Sister, summer boredom is an understatement at my house! Ugh... you seem to be handeling it perfectly fine!
Yesterday, we did driveway paint! A set I got at Michael's by Crayola. They had fun with that... for about 5 minutes ;)

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