Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Update and Prayers for Nashville!

Hey everyone. Long day and no crafting yesterday or today really. had to take Matthew to the ER yesterday afternoon. Something wasn't right when he woke up, (You know that "MOM" feeling you get when you look at your little one and know something is up, proof of it visible or not????) so I had that "MOM" feeling. Sure enough 3 hours later a fever came on. After I got it down, he played, all was well, no other symptoms of anything else, etc. Then about 5 fever came back, meds didn't help and when it hit 106.1 from 102 in about 10 minutes of time- out the door I went, limp baby in my arms.
I am not a "freak out" mom. I really think one of the biggest lessons I learned from losing my little brother was to always put things in perspective. I don't freak. I deal with the situation at hand rationally. It is what it is. Deal with it. Know that this happened for a reason and handle it. :)
Several hours in the ER later, just a virus. We got the fever under control and when he asked to watch the Weather Channel, I knew he was better :)
(Yes, he LOVES the weather channel! He watches it with my dad and is fascinated with storms and tornado talk:) Long night, but MUCH better by this afternoon. Hoping the fever is all, and nothing else comes of it :)
Matthew NEVER gets sick (knock on wood). Seriously. His FIRST sickness of any kind was at 8 months old. a Virus.  He is 3 1/2 and after yesterday, his sicknesses total 3.  2 Viral, 1 ear infection. Other than allergies or a slight cold, NADA.
Lucky, I know. I really contribute this to a few things.
Number 1- I nursed for 11 1/2 months and wouldn't have changed that for the world. It was the right decision for ME and our family. It was weird b/c my mom couldn't and my MIL didn't, so it was a *new* experience for many in the family :) But they, and especially my husband, are TRUE believers in the benefits now :)
2- He has never been in daycare (I am so THANKFUL to have the opportunity to be home with him now. For the first 18 months, I worked publicly and was SO fortunate to have the opportunity to bring him to work with me and keep him in the office with me all day! Exersaucer, swing, and all! There was only one other person in there all day and SHE is FAB and loved/loves him like he is her own!!!). He did attend Mom's Day Out at my church last year 1-2 mornings a week and is in Preschool at our church this year 3 mornings a week.
 Number 3- Nutrition. I am that nutty mom who watches what he eats (I buy organic snacks, cereals, milk, peanut butter, etc), knows what is in the things he does eat, and all the diligence in teaching him healthy eating habits.  It makes me so proud after dinner when he gets to pick his dessert from a  big bin and he choose one small Hershey's, or a fruit roll up, and never asks for more or complains. Don't get me wrong, he still gets plenty of sugar, snacks, and southern cooked food when he spends time with my family, LOL, and we still go to McDonalds for chicken nuggets, but in MODERATION. I feel that if I can teach him that even the not so healthy foods in life are there and we can have them in moderation, then I have done a good job in that area :)
Number 4- Lots of prayers :) I pray prayers of protection for my little monkey every night. I know how lucky I am that God picked me to be his mother. 

SO,  for those of you who have "listened" to me ramble on, thank you :) I consider many of you close friends, those I know personally and those I talk to constantly in the bloggy world :) Oh and ONE last thing...
My prayers are with all those who have been affected by the floods. I lived and worked in Nashville for almost 2 years before getting married and moving to Louisville. The pics/videos/ stories of what is going on in those parts, filled with so many of my dear friends, former co workers, and their families, are so very scary and sad. PLEASE know that I am PRAYING for each of you!!! Much love!
Blessings on this wonderful day! Love you!


Lori said...

Oh gosh, so glad to hear they were able to get the fever down. Hope he bounces back soon!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

soooooooooooo happy to hear that they have the fever under control!!! that is sooooooooooooooo good to hear....and i too am praying for those in nashville!!! soooooooooooo sad!!!

Andrea said...

glad he's feeling better! this nashville stuff is awful!! we always go to the opryland hotel - cant believe it flooded!!

laterg8r said...

wow, so glad he's feeling better :D

Stacie (craft-princess) said...

So glad Matthew is okay! You sound like a fantastic mom! :) I like the way you think on certain things too...things I would think, say or do!

Take care!

Amy C said...

Sorry to hear about Matthew's fever. Glad he is better now. I really liked the things you mentioned that you contribute to Matthew's health. I agree with them. The things you mentioned would most definitely make for one healthy boy. I nursed for about 10 months and I attribute Stone's health to that too. I am not as much of a nutritionist as you are I'm sure, but it's definitely great to do that. My problem is that Stone is so super picky. Not just Nashville, but all of the middle TN flooding areas are in my thoughts and prayers as well. Also, thinking special thoughts of you and the family today as I think about Uncle Jr. Take care.

Amanda Profumo said...

I'm so behind in the blog world and your little world... loved this post, but hate that Matthew was so sick. We need to connect... in person!

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