Sunday, April 18, 2010

Banner time!

Well, You can really tell you have slacked at blogging when my Top Scrap Blogs rating went from under 100 to 133, lol. Oops! Oh well! I am back up and running and promise not to neglect you any more......for a while, lol.
Now that a bunch of large orders are in the mail,  I can breathe as I catch up on the rest! A few things to share with you.
Super fab banner that was party of a Shower Package for a customer:
ANd now Matthew's creation, his version of a banner he made while I was working at my parents last weekend:
Have a fab day! Back with more super soon!!
OH- AND for those of you who are not around these parts :) Yesterday was THUNDER OF LOUISVILLE< the world's largest air show and fireworks show. Kicks off the Derby festivities! SO, lots of Derby-ness to share with you coming up! Pull out the big hat and wait for it.....wait for it...... :)


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I love your banner and Matthew's!!!!! He is ADORABLE! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Courtney Baker said...

Very cute!

Kim. said...

Love your banner but Matthew's is just so cute, how does it feel to be up staged by your own little one lol.
Kim xXx

Stacie (craft-princess) said...

Both banners are very cute!

deb famularo said...

omigosh, how adorable Matthew is following his moommy's footsteps!!!!! Well, you definitely are the banner Queen, it's no wonder his is so awesome too- he learns from the best!
hugs, deb

Karenladd said...

Too, too cute! Your hello kitty banner is adorable, but Matthew's banner is just so unbelievably hug worthy! Isn't it wonderful how kids love to imitate?!

juli (sweetpz) said...

love the banners! the hello kitty one is really cute.... but your Matthew is cuter!!.. hehhee


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