those of you who know me, I am a "positive polly" not a "negative nancy". well, today things have caught up with me I do believe. So much has gone on with my family, losses, health issues, etc. in the past couple of years and I try to take it all in stride.
i KNOW there is a reason. I have complete FAITH in God's plan.
BUT, I am human.
anyways- my headaches have been continuous for over a week right now and I have the peace of mind of knowing my MRI was clear and well.
so, I know that they are stress related. i think i do a really good job of hiding my stress. might be why the headaches linger so much.
i am really missing
my brother right now too. something about spring. the newness, the life, the wish that he was here to enjoy my little guy. because i so know he would.
and it's Easter. last Easter was the last get together for my family before my grandpa passed. my first grandparent to lose. again something about the spring.
i wish we lived closer to my family. it's only an hour and a half, but i want to be next door :) Matthew wouldn't know what to do :)
So, i know this has sounded like a depressing rant, but know that this blog, my crafts, is how I destress, I take my stress out by creating, it makes me smile and happy. i LOVE sharing with each of you and I appreciate each and every comment.
so, i am sorry if I have been a bad friend, bad blogger, and follower, as my comments around blog world have been sparse the last few weeks.
Now, because I am that "positive polly" I will close this post with my blessings :)
my faith
my family ( Matthew, mom/dad, sis, etc.)
my friends (especially the ones who understand me :)
spring :) & warmer weather
my overall health
our businesses
my health and the health of my family- I KNOW things can always get worse.
my beautiful little boy and his sense of humor. (if you need a smile, borrow a 3 year old for a day :)
Thank you for allowing my rant :) Take a minute to think of your little blessings.
i plan to continue to count my rainbows, not the thunderstorms.