Winner of the Summer Lovin' Challenge and the Gift Certificate to Die Cuts R Us is Lisa at . She created this super cute Popsicle Album! Head over to her blog to see more pictures of it! Lisa- email me with your email address and I will have Claudia at Die Cuts R Us send you your gift certificate! Congrats and thanks for particiapting. All the entrys were sooooo cute. Thanks guys!!!
My apologies for being absent yesterday! My hubby had surgery and so far so good. His blood disorder seems to be responding well to the presurgery drugs he had and I thank you for all your prayers and support. He ate a little soup last night and was able to take his meds last night. He is still asleep right now, but it looks as if the bleeding has subsided to that of anormal person. (FYI- I don't know if I ever told you all but this was an oral surgery, he had to have an infection removed from his jaw and subsequently lost 8 teeth, 4 wisdom and 4 others in the back of his mouth. Being that he has Von Willnbrands Disease, a clotting disorder of the blood, it complicates everything. He was due to have his 2 dics replacement on July 3rd, but this infection showed up and it had to be GONE and we had to be free from infection before the back surgery, thus neabt another surgery. God has blessed us so very much. He has held our hand and allowed me to fight all the What If's the devil throws at me. I am a stronger mother and wife than ever anad I KNOW we are going to be FINE!!!
Much love you guys!
My apologies for being absent yesterday! My hubby had surgery and so far so good. His blood disorder seems to be responding well to the presurgery drugs he had and I thank you for all your prayers and support. He ate a little soup last night and was able to take his meds last night. He is still asleep right now, but it looks as if the bleeding has subsided to that of anormal person. (FYI- I don't know if I ever told you all but this was an oral surgery, he had to have an infection removed from his jaw and subsequently lost 8 teeth, 4 wisdom and 4 others in the back of his mouth. Being that he has Von Willnbrands Disease, a clotting disorder of the blood, it complicates everything. He was due to have his 2 dics replacement on July 3rd, but this infection showed up and it had to be GONE and we had to be free from infection before the back surgery, thus neabt another surgery. God has blessed us so very much. He has held our hand and allowed me to fight all the What If's the devil throws at me. I am a stronger mother and wife than ever anad I KNOW we are going to be FINE!!!
Much love you guys!
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers- stay strong.
so glad to hear your hubby is doing well. keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers! hugs!
Sammye Jo,
Thanks so much for the updates! You know we are all praying for you and have been thinking about you!
Congrats Lisa!
What a cute album!
Thankful your husband is doing good - you're in my prayers :)
So glad to hear he is progressing along.I will continue to pray for you both. ms.cheryl
Oh SammyeJo,I don't know how you are able to get through all this. You and your hubby are in my thoughts and I'm hoping he will sail through both surgeries and that they'll give a lot of relief.
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