Good Tell It All Tuesday :)
It's that time of the week again! Let's share our tips, tricks, fav's, and know how! Who knows what me might learn!
This can be craft related, children, kitchen, life, WHATEVER goes! Just TELL us!!!!! Can't wait ot read your comments!(You can read my response in the comments too!) Today's Tell It All Question:
It's that time of the week again! Let's share our tips, tricks, fav's, and know how! Who knows what me might learn!
This can be craft related, children, kitchen, life, WHATEVER goes! Just TELL us!!!!! Can't wait ot read your comments!(You can read my response in the comments too!) Today's Tell It All Question:
What is the best and worst gift you have ever gotten?
First, let me say that my husband is an excellent gift giver. BUT, for our first anniversary, he gave me a lamp (?) what the heck?!
A few years later, for Christmas, he redeemed himself giving me a digital camera. The camera was a huge surprise and I loved it!
One more... one of the worst gifts I ever got was for Christmas in 1993. Mom was super busy that year, and I got a big box filled with hunter green velvet fabric. I hated the fabric, the color and I didn't even sew! Yeah, that was the worst one.
Okay, Well I have to say THE BEST gift I got was from up above..My three children. I was not able to have children and the Lord blessed us with "3"
My worst gift would have to be from my Mother-in-law and it was just this past gave my husband and I, You ready..."A how to communicate with your spouse" CASSETTE...yes I used bold so you would see tapes coaching...HELLOOOOOO it's well it was 2008 but,
and My husband and I are have a GREAT marriage...Go were used too. She said she likes to re-gift..LOL..Hilarious right??!!
I got soem kick butt Green Bay Packers tickets at lambeau one year. Awesome gift. My hubby got me a killer Yankees jersey and a Favre Jets jersey to round out my collection. He rocks! WORST- My grandma got my sister, cousin and I all 3 hairdryers 3 years in a row as part of our gift. We still tease her about it to this day!
Amanda- love the lamp, lol. Cristina- the tapes, HA! Good times!
Best gift ever: for our second anniversary we took a whole week of vacation in kentucky
Worst gift ever: for my 30th birthday my husband got me a cookbook.. i know he meant well but it was just not the best gift for that time of my life.. i cried for hours.. then again.. for my 31st birthday he got me a sewing machine and that was awesome!
I was dating someone and he gave me a Houston Rockets t-shirt.....go figure. I wasn't even a sports fan. Bling bling jewelry would have been better (SMILE)
Best gift was from my dh and it was a digital camera. I didn't even want one but now I can't live without it!
Worst gifts were from my dh as well. He used to buy me jewelry that was totally not my style! I would show him stuff that I liked as a big hint...and then he would buy me stuff that looked like his mothers jewelry!!
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