Saturday Spotlight time! Here I feature artists and their work! I encourage you to check out their shops, and as always, a special treat is in it for you at the end! Show support & love! You guys are the best at it!!! (If you would like to be featured, simply send me an email at and we will get you scheduled! Happy spotlight day!
Saturday Spotlight: Amber at CharmedCeramics
Where are you from: I was born and raised in Idaho, but have been a Utah girl for the past 15 years. I currently live in beautiful Highland, Utah, about 20 minutes south of Salt Lake City).
What do you specialize in: Clay has been my obsession for the past five years or so. It all started with a pottery class offered by UVSC community education. This may sound strange, but I would lay awake at night thinking about clay and all the possibilities. In short, I found my passion.
Name and URL of store: I have two stores on etsy, one for my ceramic pendants (my most recent addition) and one for my pottery: & Blog address:
Where did the name come from: I originally wanted to do a little play on words and call the name of my store "Charmed," but that was taken, so I eventually came up with "CharmedCeramics."
How did you get started on etsy: I found etsy by doing a google search on pottery. I knew I wanted to some how do my own online store, but the whole idea of creating and running a website seemed overwhelming to me. When I found etsy, everything seemed to click into place. It was so easy, I eventually did two stores. I've had my pottery store since January, and my ceramic jewelry store since the end of May.
Advice for etsy sellers: Most of my experience on etsy has come from my pottery store. Probably the most important things I have learned are to take good pictures (I watched a few tutorials that helped me immensely), to try and list something every day, and to network with other sellers on etsy. I am currently a member of the etsy mud team. By following and participating in their thread and events I have learned many invaluable lessons. Thanks etsy mud team! What do I want customers to know about me and my product: I love what I do and want to share this love with others. Each ceramic piece is handmade with love and care. My goal is to bring a bit of joy to your life.
Shameless addictions: Obviously, clay is my main addiction, but I also love, love, love dark bittersweet chocolate. There is actually a clay called black mountain that looks like dark chocolate fudge, and I have to fight the temptation to take a little nibble ;)
Such a charming shop :) ! I know you will too. And to celebrate being the featured seller, Amber is giving one of you a FREE item from her shop!! You got it, FREE! (Use for yourself, save for a great Christmas gift, etc??) So, how do you enter? Leave a comment on this post about your favorite item in her shop! For extra entries leave a separate comment if you add her as a favorite on Etsy, make a purchase from her, and if you blog about this giveaway - post a comment with the link to your post! So, that's up to 4 entries!!! Good luck and happy commenting!
Such a charming shop :) ! I know you will too. And to celebrate being the featured seller, Amber is giving one of you a FREE item from her shop!! You got it, FREE! (Use for yourself, save for a great Christmas gift, etc??) So, how do you enter? Leave a comment on this post about your favorite item in her shop! For extra entries leave a separate comment if you add her as a favorite on Etsy, make a purchase from her, and if you blog about this giveaway - post a comment with the link to your post! So, that's up to 4 entries!!! Good luck and happy commenting!
I just think this is such a beautiful shop. I really admire yur talent!
I have made her shop a favorite
I really like the light brown heart pendent. I think a light green one would be really cool too!
I really like the black square pendent. It would be a great addition to my jewelry findings!
What a great shop! Thanks for sharing Sammye Jo
I love the Glossy Black Rectangle Ceramic Pendant!
itsonlyjc (at) hotmail (dot) com
I love the Round Blue Ceramic Pendant. All of them are beautiful though!
Oh my... my favorite is naturally the pink heart. I would totally love to have this. Thanks, ms.cheryl
I have added this shop to my favorites. It was a no brainer. ms.cheryl
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