Friday, June 12, 2009


Good day all! Don't forget your entries into the Recycle & ReUse Challenge!
Don't forget to enter for the FREE journaling tags HERE!
And for some more freebies, check out the Blog Candy over at one of my favorite sites Scrapmaster's Paradise! So easy to register! You never know, you might win! I am also sponsoring over at a new challenge blog SPCC (Scrapmaster's Paradise Color Challenge. Check it out and get into the action! The first challenge is up and she will be posting one a week! We have some new "faces" around here! Make them feel welcome! Hello to followers pnk, ReFabulous, mojo, and maddy&me! Hope to hear from you guys on the comments! Don't forget to checkout all the GREAT entries in the contest. Just click on the name! So very cool!!!!

1 comment:

Karenladd said...

Oh, I still need to upload for the REcycle challenge. Need to try and figure out how to use Mr. Linky this afternoon!

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