Thursday, December 11, 2008

Pinks & Browns

What could be better than pinks and browns. I just love the way they look together. My best friend got married in September and her colors were the chocolate brown with pink flower accents. THANK GOODNESS we got to wear beautiful chocolate dresses instead of pink ones. lol. Her first idea for dresses were royal blue (GO CATS!), but again I am glad she went with brown. I think that every girl in the wedding looked great in them. No one looked better than my Ash though. What a beautiful bride she was! The photographer is a dear friend and college sorority sister, Priscilla. Here is her site. She is soooo talented. Here are a few pics of the big day! This is the link to Cilla's blog of Ash's wedding with some more great pics! You will notice that I have some GORGEOUS friends. :)


Lovie said...

Pink and brown is great. Have a friend who is doing the nursery in Brown and pink for her baby due in March. Looking thru your post, yesterdays tags are also in the pink/brown color range. I was made to suffer in an orange dress as part of the last wedding I was in. Went with the theory that the bride wanted to make sure she was the cutiest thing at the front of the church. . .lol . . .Lovie

Sammye Jo said...

LOVE that theory!!!!!!!

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