Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My new little tags!

I made these the other morning and I am in LOVE with them. They are so classy, simple and cute! I may make a few more to use in scrapbooks! I got the great little flower stickers from Martha Stewart and wah lah! (I love the Amy Butler fabric background too :) Like them? Let me know and you just might get one in the mail!!! :)


manda said...

These are so sweet! And i'm not just saying that to get one in the mail, I really mean it!! I love the way you've set the back cardboard diagonally. It makes the tags look juat that more interesting. Maybe do it in a corresponding colour to the flower. Anyway, they're great!

Lovie said...

Real cute, the flowers look 3D, would not guess that they are stickers. . . .Lovie

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