Thursday, September 16, 2010

Button It!

I finally had a chance to get a few new button rings done last week! Not many, but a couple. May throw a few up in the shoppe to see if anyone else likes them too :) LOL.
They have adjustable bands, so anyone can wear them!
I just LOVE buttons!
If you do too, any good brands/hints/ places to buy I must know about?
My fav is papertrey Ink b/c they give you so many large buttons for the price you pay and not a ton of itty bitty ones!


Julianna said...

I love those!!! I love the way you put them in those flowers for the pics!! SO cute!!!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

OMYGOSH!! those are ADORABLE! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Stacie (craft-princess) said...

Really cute!

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