Thursday, June 24, 2010


Hi all. Stopping in to say hello. Dustin's surgery went well on Monday. We are still in the hospital and have had some speed bumps over the past couple days, but they continue to monitor him closely and we will eventually get home :)
Just wanted to share that my fun and something-other-than-just-crafty blog is up and running :) Did I mention I have a giveaway for a gift certificate to a great place going on???
I'd love to have you come over and follow:)
Pretty please with a cherry on top :)
You know I'd be happy to return the favor!!
Much love to you all and thank you so much for your fab thoughts and prayers!!!


Anonymous said...

Good to hear things are going well, hope he's up and running in no time! Hugs!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I am glad the surgery went well....praying for all of you!!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeee your other blog too!!! Following you there now too! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Kate said...

What wonderful news!! Thanks so much for the update. I've continued to pray for you all. Now, off to check out your new blog!

Crystal said...

keepin' your family in my prayers sweetie! love the new site too...made sure to become a follower! hugs!

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