Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Boy and Bridal Banners

Hey folks! Anyone out there looking for a super cute boy banner or a bridal/bachelorette banner? I have a boy banner coming up for my super sweet friend Amanda's lil boy Elan, but am wanting to do a couple more to be able to use as samples. I have a TON of girly banners I have done, but only a handful of boy ones! SO, if you have or know of someone looking for a great deal on a boy banner, let me know!! I will be giving a GREAT super low LIMITED TIME ONLY offer. It's a win win. I get to do cute boy banners and take pictures for my store and you get a super cool banner below retail price :) Email me or pass my email along!


Amanda Profumo said...

Woo-hoo! I can't wait to see Elan's banner! I know it will be so adorable...

Stacie (craft-princess) said...

Love the bra in this!

Tricia said...

this is way cute! great job. The bra is hysterical

Lesley said...

Very cute!

Amy C said...

I'm interested...I'll email you.

laterg8r said...

love the bridal banner :D


very cute...I am trying to make one of these for a baby shower..hope mine turns out this cute.

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