Saturday Spotlight time! Here I feature artists and their work! I encourage you to check out their shops, and as always, a special treat is in it for you at the end! Show support & love! You guys are the best at it!!! (If you would like to be featured, simply send me an email at and we will get you scheduled! Happy spotlight day!
Saturaday Spotlight: K from POKKETA Name: just K!-
Where are you from?: I have lived in NYC for the past 12+ years, but am originally from the Midwest. I moved here for a career in Fashion Design.
What do you soecialize in?:-I specialize in unique zip bags that are made from exclusive designer fabrics.
Where did your name come from? - -
POKKETA (pronounced POCKET-ah)came into my head one day thinking about the word "pocket"; something you put stuff in. POKKETAs are more chic, more fabulous, and better than just pockets!
How did you get started on Etsy?: -I have been a buyer on Etsy for quite a while. Being a designer/artist/crafty person myself, I really appreciate the work that goes into handmade things, and love supporting other artists and designers. My "day job" is that of a womenswear designer at a company in the heart of New York City's Garment District. Twice a year, the finest textile mills from all over the world send me fabric samples to consider for the collections I design for. Whatever doesn't get selected, usually goes in the trash! I just couldn't bare to toss some of these beautiful pieces of expensive fabric (so not "green"!), so I began collecting them. I kept trying to come up with something I could do with them. Then it hit me one day, they were the perfect size for great zip bags! So, I made a pattern, sewed a proto, and was thrilled! POKKETA was born. This is a fun "side project" for me.
An Etsy advice?: -Being a "newbie", I don't really have much "advice", except that you should absolutely love what you are doing, and have fun with it. Express yourself, and be true to that.
What do you want your customers to know about you and your product? -
POKKETAs are made from exclusive designer fabric samples that come from the best textile mills all over the world. Most of these fabrics, you will never see in the US market. Each
POKKETA is expertly sewn by me, and each one is a ONE OF A KIND. I even put a special pull on each zipper. Take it from a NYC designer, the difference is in the details!
Any Shameless Addictions :)? Mine include: "retail therapy", fabric stores (I LOVE Mood Fabrics), art supply stores, SHOES, avant garde clothing & jewelry, Jacques Torres chocolate, MUSIC, trashy reality TV, ETSY, my boyfriend's fabulous cooking!
Anything else you want us to know? :): -As a kid growing up in the Midwest, I knew I wanted to be a fashion designer at a very early age, and started sewing doll clothes on my mom's Kenmore at age 10. This means I have been sewing for 25 years now (yikes!) It's definitely been my "calling" in life, and I really do enjoy it. I am especially interested in couture sewing, and have made everything from hand-tailored men's suits to a wedding gown. I also enjoy sketching and illustrating.
I just fell in love with her little designs! I know you will too. And to celebrate being the featured seller, K is giving one of you a FREE Pokketa! You got it, FREE! (Gotta love that, designer bag that is FREE to you!! Does it get any better??) So, how do you enter? Leave a comment on this post about your favorite item in her shop! For extra entries leave a separate comment if you add her as a favorite on Etsy, make a purchase from her, and if you blog about this giveaway - post a comment with the link to your post! So, that's up to 4 entries!!! Good luck and happy commenting!