Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday Special- Discover this!

I will now be making Sunday's my blog day of linking to great new sites, blogs, stores, etc. If you would like me to include yours,Email Me! On with today!

1. Above All Fabric- Craft projects, Wonderful fabric, and stories that will make you smile! Melanie and the team are wonderful!
2. Covered in Crafts- Great crafts, tutorials, ideas, giveaways and more!
3. All That Is Good- Great stories and just a great blog overall! I have enjoyed readin about Kasey, her life, and her antics!
4. Stop and Scrap- If you love discounts on scrapbooking materials- here you go!



Covered In Crafts said...

Cool! I'm so glad you included me. Thanks!

Ms. Cheryl said...

Thats a great idea! since i had my knee surgery i blog hop alot and really enjoy it. thanks, ms.cheryl

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