Tuesday, December 30, 2008

happy birthday bubba

Today would be my brother's 22nd birthday. I have thought about him all day. It seems unreal that this is the 4th birthday I have spent without him here. For those of you who don't know, or haven't read my profile, he was killed in a car accident 3 years ago Sept. He was 18. He was/is so very special to my parents, sister, and I. the 62 in my name was his football number. My son was born 11 months after he passed. He is named after his Uncle Matt.

Bub- We miss you and love you with all our heart and soul. There isn't a day that goes by that we don't wish you were here with us making us laugh, giving us those big bear hugs, or cracking a joke. Your spirit lives on in the stories we share, the scholarships we give, the photos we have and the memories we made. You were our rock. Life isn't the same without you, nor will it ever be. WE LOVE YOU. Samuel Matthew Monroe 12-.30.86-9.28.05

Monday, December 29, 2008

Sneak a peek!!!!

Sneak peek of what's to come for Valentine's! I LOVE using this recycled paper. It's 100% recycled and 20% is post consumer waste. Makes me feel like I am doing a little something good for the planet!!!!!!

Stamp makers....

I ws looking for a neat stamp a while back and ran across etsian Tommie! Here is her blog. She hand carves all her stamps and I have been very happy with the sets I have bought. She is VERY reasonable too! I had her do one for my shop, one for my cousin who is starting to make some cards herself, and bought a couple of her doodles! (Hearts, bumblebees, etc) Enjoy and have a great day!

OH- working on more Amy Butler paper embellishments to list in the shop! I know one reader, Diane, will love that for sure! Thanks for the support!!!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Happy Birthday cards!!!

I am so excited about these new cards! I am just waiting for my aunt's upcoming birthday so I can use one! I used my cricut wild card program, 65 lb 100 % recycled kraft paper, and those yummy Amy Butler
papers I talked about earlier. Then, I just got creative! Enjoy!!!! Don't forget the end of the month giveaway is coming up! Comment for your chance to win!

on a personal note.....:)

Hello Hello! Well, the holiday fest is starting to wind down over here. How exhausting! Matthew loved everything! He was really into the presents instead of the paper this year!! From train tables to a peddle tractor, work bench to a play kitchen, this kid got it all, including the kitchen sink! He is the only child, grandchild, and great grandchild. Only nephew, with just my sister as an aunt. SPOLIED ROTTEN! I am so fortunate to still have both my sets of grandparents and several great aunts/uncles, but one great aunt/uncle who are like my grandparents. I'll add some pics to this post when I discover where I put my camera!!!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I love Amy Butler papers!

I know many of us do, but I love Amy Butler papers. First, I fell in love with her fabric! I love sewing with it and putting together looks for bags using it. Then when I discovered the paper that was the same print as the fabric.......WAHLAH! Here are some cute tags that I inked, cut out, and adhered together!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Pocket Album

I found a great tutorial HERE and have watched it a few times. So, I finally just went ahead and made one! This mini pocket album is super cute and would make a great thoguhful little gift! I used Amy Butler paper and embellished it using ribbons, stickers, rhinestones, flowers, brads, etc. Each of the 5 pockets has a removable tag great for phots, journaling, or both! I listed this cute album in my shop! Check it out to see more of the pictures of the pages!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Etsy Showcase!

Check out the paper goods showcase today on Etsy!! I have a spot there! Let's hope others love my creations too!
I am thinkgin cupcake card giveaway soon!!!! :)

Saturday, December 20, 2008


So, last night in a mad frantic fit to let loose some creative energy, I made these adorable cupcake cards! I love them! I have them listed in my shop and I plan on making some little boy ones today! I'm thinking reds and blues :) Of course these cards were inspired by the Michael Miller Cupcake fabric that I am in LOVE with!

Friday, December 19, 2008


Sorry for the lack of post today. My son has chipped his front toothj...again. When he was 15 months,, last December, he chipped his front tooth pretty bad. We crowned it and today he knocked it out. I have no idea when as he never had a crying spell and I just happened to notice this afternoon while sitting on the floor with him! It was there after breakfast this morning when we brushed out teeth! So between that and getting holiday orders out in the mail, busy day! More tomorrow I promise.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Undiscovered----so give them a try!

The color of the bracelet from MyCharmedDesigns caught my eye! How fun! Check out the shop and see al the great fun things listed!

This necklace reminds me of the Michael Miller fabric Ebony Ironwork. It's a great creation from new, undiscovered Etsy seller WomanKind from London. Head over to her shop and check it out!


Isn't this soap just pretty! I found this a while back after searching Etsy for undiscovered shops. I am also happy to note that she has had 10 sales since then! Way to go! Sometimes it is so hard to get rolling! It seeme like you wait forever for that 1st sale or 10th or 30th, but remember, PROGRESS OVER PERFECTION!!!!! I am going to list a few undiscovered shops this afternoon for you to check out! You can get this Rose Confetti Soap too HERE! Oh- also got the Mojito one too! :)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Need Fabric??

With our Studio 62 business, we sure do love finding great new fabrics to use in our creations. I LOVE buying from Melanie over at Above all Fabric. Here is her blog as well. Fast shipping, great communication, and you have to love the selection! Here are a couple creations! So, keep her in mind for your next fabric purchase! You'll be back! :)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

New card!

Okay- So I promised, but then didn't. lol. So, Here is my new card! It measures right at 7 inches and comes with the matching envelope! I am looking forward to making several more of these! The brown kraft paper I used for both card and envelope are 65 lb. cardstock which is 100% recycled and made from 20% post consumer waste. Yeah for my take on helping the environment. I have been reading and learning more and more about it over the past several months and I love learning. So now I am incorporating eco friendly items into my shop! The rest of the card is finished with pinka nd green polka dot paper and a cute embellishment. The front of the card even has a cute box for the name of the recipient!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Random Blog Giveaway Winner

I love finding new exciting blogs. I decided to do a giveaway from a blog search on blogger. I have been reading this blog for about a month now and I enjoy the antics and love to use it as a stress free read! The winner is Blah, Blah, Blah, Blog and you should go check it out! Make sure you want to laugh!!! Congrats to Nikki!

Just another MANIC MONDAY!

Okay, it's only 12 minutes into Monday and I am already flooded with the to do list I made myslef of things to do before Christmas........and I will remind you that it is NEXT WEEK. UGH. We had Christmas at my Grandparents Saturday and it was relatively painless..no pun intended. (yet it was still funny.lol) The best part of it all was watching Matthew open his presents and get so excited. This is the first year he cares. He was 4 months at his 1st Christmas and 16 months last Christmas. Now, he get's it. This year the presents were more fun than the paper. He was poiled, as always. I thank my family for that. I DO NOT, repeat DO NOT thank my uncle Mark for the Sabre Sword. May I inform you that I have already been hit in the head while making lassgna tonight.

I do have a new card to post about- I'll do that later today!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Tags & Cards

We have Christmas at my Grandma's (mom's side) today. So, here are a couple of things I made to add to
gifts! The little tags are hanging from gifts and the cute card set will be going in my aunt's stocking. I have more of both listed in my shop for sale!
And for those of you loving templates for tags to use in
your scrapbooks, I found this great site for downloadable templates! Try them out!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Dress Giveaway!

Check out this giveaway!!!!!!!!The Tree Lightening Wrap Frock Giveaway! Wait until you see the cute pictures!!!!!

Ride Cowboy Ride!

My son has an affection for Cowboys & Pirates! If you left it up to him, he would be riding the tractor with my dad all day long. I love it. He cracks me up talking about feeding the cows, closing gates, riding the bobcat, etc. He is so blessed to have such amazing experiences and adventures at only 2. For those of you who don't know, I grew up on a dairy farm in southern Kentucky. My family has been milking for 30 years. It's a way of life. I live in Louisville now with my husband since this is where his business is. I long to be back on the farm and he promises we will build there one day. We visit with my parents and sister every week and Matthew LOVES it. Here is a picture of my sweet little cowboy tonight. He was bull riding!!!! :)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

custom order...

SO. I had a custom request for 27 different Christmas cards for a lady in Georgia. Three of them were personalized for the teachers of her 2 daughters. They shipped today. Thought I would post a few of the finished pics here. Thanks Tara for the order!

Pink & Brown - Take 2

And since I posted earlier about the pink and browns. Here is the Christmas card that was inspired by Ashleigh's wedding! Have you noticed that I love my Cricut. One of the best gifts ever from the hubby!

Pinks & Browns

What could be better than pinks and browns. I just love the way they look together. My best friend got married in September and her colors were the chocolate brown with pink flower accents. THANK GOODNESS we got to wear beautiful chocolate dresses instead of pink ones. lol. Her first idea for dresses were royal blue (GO CATS!), but again I am glad she went with brown. I think that every girl in the wedding looked great in them. No one looked better than my Ash though. What a beautiful bride she was! The photographer is a dear friend and college sorority sister, Priscilla. Here is her site. She is soooo talented. Here are a few pics of the big day! This is the link to Cilla's blog of Ash's wedding with some more great pics! You will notice that I have some GORGEOUS friends. :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My new little tags!

I made these the other morning and I am in LOVE with them. They are so classy, simple and cute! I may make a few more to use in scrapbooks! I got the great little flower stickers from Martha Stewart and wah lah! (I love the Amy Butler fabric background too :) Like them? Let me know and you just might get one in the mail!!! :)

Christmas Tree OH Christmas Tree Keep my 2 year old AWAy from THEE.....

It is no secret that lights attract children. Matthew LOVES the trees. When someone comes over he proceeds to show them all four trees and introduce each with a loud, "TA DA!!!!!" Watching him light up doing this reminds me what this is all about. It's all for the little ones. The joy and smiles the decorations and troublesome trees bring make it all worth it when you see a little one smile b/c of it! SO, welcome to my home. Here are some pics of our decor!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

jewelry pouches galore!

I love these jewelry pouches! I have one wrapped under my tree for my little sister, she's 25, and one on it's way for me! The quality is amazing! Ann does a wonderful job! Here is what Ann from greenwillow says about her pouches and pattern, "I always love to hear that people are pleased with the jewelry pouches - I enjoy making each one. I got my pattern from a lady who's now 89 years old. Over the years she made many of them, but she lives in a rest home now. Anyway, it's an old pattern and has really been tried and proven many times."

Head over to http://www.greenwillow.etsy.com/ and see them for yourself!

Monday, December 8, 2008

2 Munkeez

So I "met" a lady recently that has some really cute stuff. I am currently awaiting a few of her products in the mail! Her name is Joi and she runs 2Munkeez. You can view her work online on her etsy site: http://www.2munkeez.etsy.com/ . I LOVE the pin cushions! They are the cutest ones I have ever seen! Sure beats the heck out of the ole tomato one :) Have a great day!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

makes me smile

One day my 2 year old will not be amused that I snuck in on his nap and put reindeer antlers on him solely for the purpose of amusing myself and taking a picture. :) Expect it on my Christmas cards!

The winner is.......

SALLY is the winner. lol. Sally email me your shipping info at sammyejo@62cards.com and I will get your little gift to you pronto! Thanks for checking and commenting on the blog! Come back soon!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

here comes santa claus...

I fell in love for these little guys! I am making them as sets in little sannta tins to sell in my shop. I know I will use them on my Christmas scrapbook pages too and probably as a hostess gift. A set of 6 in a tin is only $3.99. Pretty reasonable I think since they take a few minutes! One person from today's comments will win a Santa Claus tag set! Comment away!! (And check back tomorrow for the winner!)

Scrap Crop and NEW kit club!

So I just got home from a scrap crop at my church. They hold one every 1st Friday of the month. I LOVE learning from the different talents there. I really got to use my new Cricut Expression a lot tonight. I also got some great inspiration for some new cards! Look for them soon! I have also decided, Thanks to Raegan, lol, to join the monthly kit club at Scrapbook Lover's Dream. I go to church with Raegan and happen to think she's a pretty neat chick :) She also is the director at the Mom's Day Out that my son attends twice a week. She is one of their designers. Head over to their site and check it out! Less than $30 a month gets you a great new kit each month stocked full of surprises! I am so excited over this!!! Be sure and tell them you heard about them here! Oh- they just happen to be based right here in Louisville!

Friday, December 5, 2008

so so productive.....

Have you ever had one of those days where you had such big intentions and then look at the clock and realize it's after 2 pm and NOTHING on your list is done? With the exception of one big pan of rice krispy treats for my husband to take to work for his guys to eat, I have accomplished very little today. I did perform minor surgery by removing a Yogo from my 2 year old's nose and spend an hour and a half on a failed attempt for him to nap. On the flip side- I did enjoy about 5 books with him this morning and some very cute antics. I guess I have been semi productive after all.......OFF of this blog to get more done! :)

Wild Paisley......

Don't you love that name.......Wild Paisley....such a cute one! I found this seller on Etsy and fell in love with this cute little bracelet! Can't wait until it arrives in the mail! Check her shop out and read up on the meaning of her name at http://www.wildpaisley.etsy.com/ I also made her this super cute set of shop cards!

Thursday, December 4, 2008


In a shameless attempt to grow my blogger followings, I am giving away a freebie each month to those who comment. Here is how it works, Everyone who comments during the month will be entered into the drawing. If you comment on every post, then you will be entered that many times. Only one entry per post. International comments welcomed as well! Pass the word along! Remember to send me the link to your blog!

Get in the Christmas spirit!

Why is it 3 weeks before Christmas I am ready for it, then a day before I am ready for it to be over! Hahaha. Oh well! Love this wristlet I found a few weeks ago. I have it wrapped under my tree for my aunt who adores nutcrackers!!! Visit http://www.artbyjess.etsy.com/ and check out her great stuff!


I have met so many wonderful people through trading. Many oof which I have bought things from following the trade. I traded with a lady named Estelle- http://www.estelledeparis.etsy.com/ and got this cute pair of earrings for a France loving member of my family for Chrsitmas!
I also traded with http://www.apassionforfashion.etsy.com/ for a great set of little magnets. How cute! Visit their shops!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


A special thanks to Heather at http://www.scrappybugsdesigns.etsy.com/ for including my ornament cards in the etsy treasury she scored! Check the treasury out here: http://www.etsy.com/treasury_list.php?room_id=24668 and leave a comment!!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Welcome to my latest attempt at my blog :) For those who know me, you know I have commitment issues with blogs sometimes, but I promise to do my best! Subscribe so you don't have to check back and forth!!! I want to provide you with details on contests, sales, great new finds, my tidbits, and my random thoughts! I LOVE reading your comments, so please leave them. Be remember to be nice to me :) and to the others who comment! Have a blog? I will happily link mine to yours! Drop your info my way! Have a holly jolly day!
Thanks for stopping by!
Don't forget to sign up as a follower!