Friday, June 17, 2011

Dump It!!!

Happy Friday!
Well, my countdown to vacation is ON :)
I am SO ready for the sand and water.
Bring it. :)
But before that happens, I have a lot of your FAB orders to ship :)
I promise not to get vacation-itis and slack! You are too important!!
Look at this FAB party I got to do!

Happy Birthdya Michael!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

News and a Jungle Birthday!

Happy Thursday!
Well, a lot has gone on around here!
We are very blessed though, so I don't let things get me down! HE has a plan and HE knows best!)
Now, on to some crafty pics!!!!
I was contacted by a sorority sister to make some fab decor for her son's birthday! Now granted we were at EKU at different times and have never met in person, but I feel as if I know her and I was excited to work with her!!!
Here are some pics from Jackson's 1st birthday!!!

Thanks Misty for sharing!!!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

What a CRAZY week.

It has been a crazy week around here.
Vacation Bible School at church, family in 4 different days, tball started, so practice and game, and of course I had to take Matthew swimming two afternoons to let him enjoy the beautiful day God gave us! Well, I wanted to show you something that happened last night. I was working on printing out shipping labels in the corner of my studio, and Matthew decided to crawl in the chair with me like he usually does. This time though- he fell asleep! LOL. Oh how I love this little guy! He is my gift from God! Can't wait to scrap this picture one day!!!
He was OUT like a light!!!! I finished, then took him to bed :) I love that he wants to be near me so much!!!
I have had a few people ask about seeing my studio and such!!! I will take some pictures soon and share!!! Nothing over the top, so don't get too excited, but it works perfect for me!!!
Have a fabulous week! I am finishing orders as I am taking a short vaycay starting the 24th! YAY!!!

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